Summary of the Anime:
It focuses on a group of elementary school girls, one being Doremi Harukaze. She comes across a shop known as the Maho-Do and accidentally discovers that its owner, Majo Rika is a witch. Due to a curse placed on any witch whose identity is exposed by a human she turns her into a magic frog! Now she needs to train to be a witch so she can transform her back and break the curse!
Community Rules:
- Don't spam.
- Don't use all caps.
Keep Things Appropriate
- Don't make racist comments. (Anime is literally anti-hate and even the creator thinks racism is bad.)
- Don't talk about sexual, or inappropriate topics. (Main characters are CHILDREN FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!)
- Don't post inappropriate pictures. (Again. C H I L D R EN!)
Do not be Toxic
- Be respectful to others. If your caught treating other members badly you will automatically be banned without warning.
Stick to these rules and you'll fit right in with the community! :)